6. Part 2. Participate in professional networks and activities - Create and develop a Professional Development Wiki/Blog

Create and develop a Professional Development Wiki/Blog within the Content Services area of the National Library of New Zealand. Invite other NLNZ librarians to contribute as part of their own professional development requirements, whether they be starting out on the registration process like myself, part way through, or have finished and are looking for ways to add to their revalidation journal activities. Evaluate the effectiveness of this blog as a tool for sharing this learning. Use this version as a pilot to test out the potential of it going national, perhaps associated with LIANZA.

BOK 7 - Information & Communication Technologies.
BOK 9 - Management of Information Agencies.

What follows is the front page of the 'What's uPD with you?' wiki I have created and continue to develop for the Content Services area of the National Library of New Zealand. Because at the moment is it an internal wiki (within the National Library of New Zealand) none of the links below will work from this blog. Therefore this page is to give you an idea of the areas I have covered on the wiki and the general approach I am taking to it.

The wiki went live in November and since then I have been working my way through the various Contents Services teams, introducing it to them in their team meetings. Each time I have received very positive responses to the concept and each week there is more information added from different colleagues. In order to continue to publicise it I am sending out update emails once a week telling people what has been added and encouraging people to add more. This will be an ongoing process - to develop in people the habit of accessing the wiki whenever they think of anything to do with professional development.  


What's uPD with you? #

Content Services Professional Development Wiki
A PD wiki for any PD undertaken by anybody for any reason.

Who is a registered librarian?
Who is a mentor? Who is a mentee?
Recommended reading - whatever you think others would be interested in reading
Disability-based resources

FRBR and RDA resources - a quick overview
FRBR and RDA - questions & answers
What areas of study are you currently investigating that might be of interest to others...MIS, Open Polytechnic, Online...
What areas of PD are you working on that might be of interest to others...
What areas are you working on for your revalidation journal that might be of interest to others...
Serials Cataloguing
Collection Development - Legal Deposit
Collection Development - Acquisitions
Collection Support & Processing
Collection Delivery Team
Print Disabilities

Suggestions to improve wiki
Suggestions for Professional Development - particular courses or areas of interest you recommend or think would be beneficial to you, your team, or others

Welcome to the pilot professional development wiki!

As part of my own professional development (PD) I have set myself the task of creating and developing this wiki within the Contents Services area of the library.
The goal of the wiki is to be a place to come and share PD-relevant information. We are all working on something and it would be good to be able to share whatever that something is. Perhaps we might even discover areas of crossover and shared interests.
So the wiki is a place to share thoughts, questions, ideas, discoveries and discussions, sparking off and learning from each other. The 'pilot' aspect of it relates to the idea that this is the first iteration of the wiki and that there is plenty of room to develop it in whatever direction we need to meet whatever our needs may turn out to be (including taking it outside of Contents Services and even outside of the National Library if the need is there).
Currently, as you can see from the lists, topics and suggestions above, there are several different areas of PD that people can contibute to, but please feel free to add any areas that are not yet covered as this is only a starting point - the more people who engage, the more our topics will evolve.

So, I now invite you, as Contents Service colleagues, to contribute to this wiki (see the 'Home' page for how to log in).

Al Gray.

Please feel free to:
  • explore
  • tell someone else in Content Services about it
  • log in and contribute to a topic (maybe add a new RDA resource?)
  • add a new topic (by doing so you can contribute to your own PD requirements, i.e., participating in professional networks and activities - BOK 7*)!
    • And when you do contibute please add your name and date added to any comments you make so real-life connections can also be made...
  • contact me (Al) if you need any assistance or wish to help manage/moderate this wiki

Note: BOK stands for Body of Knowledge. This is one of the areas of knowledge known as the Bodies of Knowledge. The Bodies of Knowledge set out the core areas of competency which form the particular knowledge base of library and information professionals in New Zealand. For further information see the relevant documents available on the LIANZA Professional Registration web page.

For those who are interested here is my Librarian Grazer blog where you can see my progress through my Professional Training Plan in order to become a registered librarian (Al G).

uPD Wiki etiquette
Taken from New Zealand Government Web Toolkit and Conditions of use of 1840 staff forum and comments.

How to...
Log in
Format text
Also see the FAQ Wiki page

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